
fuck u aws

all that money and u can't read idiot proof documentation for me to have SQS connect to a VPC endpoint to read a message

also fuck u search algorithms for not handing me an easy bake solution to what is a not a novel situation

also fuck me for being unable to git gud

  • 0
    fuck u networks
  • 4
    Try searching in https://grep.app for aws_sqs_queue to see how other people connect it in Terraform. Then you can replicate the settings in the console if you don't want to use TF.
  • 0
    grep.app is very handy! Thank you :-)
  • 0
    Oh yeah, i remember being there. A found a simple solution for this, just create a api gateway endpoint and connect it to your SQS.
  • 0
    Maybe because that's not possible? What is possible is connecing to VPC endpoint and reading from SQS. No wonder you can't find anything if you can't even form a sentence that makes sense
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