
Anyone here playing the D and the D? Or any other TTRPGs / Pen & Papers really.

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    Yeah a bunch but not lately unfortunately. But dnd and a bunch of Swedish games
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    I got interested in d&d and pen&paper because of Baldur’s Gate 3 and then started watching the NPC D&D campaign by Viva La Dirt League on youtube.
    I’d like to play it but I don’t know anyone who shares this interest with me.
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    @Lensflare You could try looking for a group locally (there are websites for that) or play online using a VTT (virtual tabletop) website / software and Discord or similar. The group I'm GMing is exactly doing that.
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    @ScriptCoded Do you have any stories you want to share?
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    played with a few coworkers for a bit. trying to be a different character/persona proved to be too difficult
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    I jumped into a short "quest" once with a partner and almost died to some reanimated skeletons due to repeated bad rolls. I also DM'd Numenera once, it was interesting. I think I'd rather do a "campaign" in that.
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    GF has 2 friends who are into it. One is a pretty good dungeon master. The four of us plan an entire Saturday each month and sometimes others join in one-shot fashion.
    It feels fucking nerdy but it's loads of fun honestly.
    Our party comp is horrible (inquisitive rogue, wind monk, bard) so we have to long rest after pretty much every encounter. Fortunately our DM is good and especially our current run is really bonkers. Trying to save some mineworkers while being haunted by goblins and emissaries every step of the way haha
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    I have a group that rolls 5E or Pathfinder one day and I run Starfinder the next night weekly.
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