
My project has just ended. And I feel a bit too settled in my current company, as my employment here is approaching a 10yr line.

An ex-colleague is tempting me with freelance/contractor devops/dev/all purpose handyman adventure.

I'm a bit concerned, but equally tempted.

What should I consider? What would be the reasons you'd use to reject this adventure?

Is contractor role paid better or worse? Or the same?

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    Why would I reject it?

    I would do it for the comfort zone. There's nothing wrong with having a full time job at a company where you get paid so much above the market salaries and live a comfortable life. You can get REAL work-life balance if you have spent 10+ yrs there. You may even talk your manager into giving you a WFH position.

    Why would I not reject it?

    Yeah you said it, it's an adventure, you get your own client base, you work on something new every so often, you can create multiple sources of income. You are much more likely to see the real face of how messed up established softwares are, create your own and start a company and become a CEO, if everything works in your favor.

    Your call.
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    @SidTheITGuy speaking from experience?
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    @netikras You bet. I am not a CEO yet tho
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    @SidTheITGuy how do you search for clients? International or domestic?

    Ever ran into non-payers?
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    Q. How do you search for clients?
    A - I am a YouTuber. Clients watch my videos and reach out to me. So I don't search for clients myself, instead they find me.

    Q. International or Domestic.
    A. I get both. I chose to speak in English for that reason. I thought to target the biggest demographic of people.

    Q. Ever ran into a non-payer?
    A. Kinda no, I break apart payments to stages of software development. And people fulfill their side of transactions mostly, because after development they need support and maintenance from me.
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