
What is it with Wasm? Web developers trying to be real developer or sth?

  • 5
    You seem like a pretty insecure developer if you’re constantly having to debase web developers to feel validated
  • 5
    WASM: Wow, Aviophile Sucked MahDick!
  • 2
    They want to know how it feels like
  • 0
    Our last desperate attempt to escape from JS
  • 1
    It's an effort to provide an alternative to JS. Thanks to WASM and its ever-increasing number of APIs, there are very few things left on the web that genuinely work better with JS. Now JS' main advantage is the incredibly low entry barrier, the preexisting purpose-built ecosystem and the relative simplicity of the build chain which means that it's usually easier to hack around unsupported functionality than in, say, Yew.
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    Many people don't understand networked state management or responsive UI and therefore the web scares and infuriates them. This is a normal reaction to web development, but it's not a healthy one.
  • 1
    @black-kite not constantly, once a week though.
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    @ars1 apparently, it is there to complement js, not replace.
  • 0
    nah. it's real developers being forced into doing web development, and doing whatever they can against the disease that is javascript.
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