
when you look in the mirror and see something unfamiliar behind you, remember
objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

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    you turn around in panic.

    nothing. Nothing, again.

    more often than not, the medium is the message. but who are there to tell there was nothing in the mirror _after_ you turned around?
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    Goodbye, warden.
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    Aaaaand, I am not sleeping tonight. Thanks kiki, really appreciate it.
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    Btw I hope you understood my previous comments weren't directed towards you, when I was making fun of my Gujju bitch boy.
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    @SidTheITGuy you did a swell job roughin’ up that threat, HOUND. Do things that don’t scale.
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    Wtf you tryna say kiki ? 💀
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    The difference between schizophrenia and neuronormative sensory experience might just be stricter filter parameters. All humans see, hear, smell and feel things that aren't there - they just automatically discard those sensory and interpretation outliers before they can manifest in conscious experiences.

    Wonder whether schizophrenic persons have a faster reaction time due to less filtering going on.
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    @Alexanderr what an original insult.. omg my chest is hurt.. give me something for the cringe and let me die. ching chong ding dong bitch.
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