
I fucking hate it that "front end developer" came to mean "data flow for react engineer". It seems most frontenders now don't understand shit about HTML and its standards, don't know anything about basic accessibility and proper content structuring.

It's even worse with the styling. Cascade? The fuck is cascade? Scope everything! And, of course, write that CSS as a JS object because how else. Fluid typography? If by fluid you mean 16px, sure. Any more advanced techniques? Lol forget you're getting rounded boxes with a shadow and you're gonna like them.

But yeah, I'm glad they're overengineering Redux again because their reactivity model is fundamentally broken. That's exactly what """frontend""" should be about.

  • 1
    Web frontend development is about building shit upon an ancient tech which was never intended for what we try to make the web to be. It’s really sad.
  • 0
    @ostream try something modern like Rust instead of COBOL or Java. It’s much less OOP than the other languages that you whine about. Maybe even less OOP than your favorite clown language JS.

    Btw, PHP is building upon the same ancient tech as any other mainstream web frontend stack.
  • 3
    @ostream yeah, you have suffered severe brain damage from long term exposure to retarded languages. Now you are incapable of realizing that types are good.
    I’m very sorry for you.
  • 0
    @ostream yes but Rust is just an example. There is also Swift and Kotlin.
  • 1
    Rust is a general purpose language that is also being used for web dev.
    Swift and Kotlin are similar to Rust are used for frontend UI primarily.

    You know what’s not general purpose? Html and css.
    And I would argue JS, too. But that might be a bit subjective.
  • 0
    @ostream html being not turing complete is absolutely not the point.
  • 1
    @ostream yes, Swift, really. The language that shows that ease of use and strictness/safety is not mutually exclusive.

    But of course it’s made by Apple so no matter what, it’s automatically retarded, I know.
  • 0
    @ostream again you talk about stuff that you don’t have a clue about.

    Swift is open source and available for any platform including Windows and Linux.
  • 0
    @ostream you were the one that claimed that there are no alternatives. I just gave a few examples. That’s it.
    I’m not shitting on your choice of tools but on your flawed reasoning.
  • 0
    I don’t know why I try to argue with trolls.
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