
cold, wet and depressing autumn mornings/days.

Aaahhh, it's that time of the year again when you appreciate how hot your laptop and its charger get.

My feet enjoy my charger :)))

  • 8
    I can absolutely relate to this. I once popped my charger's cap by fiddling with it with my feet.

    ❌ Charger
    ✅ Feet warmer
  • 1
    @aggelalex gz to 666 before I destroy it with a ++
  • 1
    @aggelalex what? Did you pop open the case?
  • 2
    @electrineer yes. Now I have it taped shut, although I might have to change the tape soon.
  • 2
    @aggelalex sounds like it's not a safe product to begin with if it's not well glued shut. Did it expose live parts? Which manufacturer shipped such charger?
  • 3
    @electrineer it was a DELL charger that came with my work laptop. It did expose some parts, it was a small PCB and some small wires. Still safe and sound though 😅
  • 0
    @aggelalex please ensure you don't come in contact with the transformer inside
  • 0
    @aggelalex I'd like to see a photo of the internals whenever you decide to change the tape. That sounds like they should recall those products.
  • 0
    @aggelalex sounds like you could've easily gotten an electric shock if your feet had touched certain parts of the pcb. How dangerous that would've been depends on circumstances.
  • 2
    My tower exhausts heat passively from the top. Winter always has me with my feet on top of the tower for that delicious heat.

    Before you ask, where I live is nine months winter, three months hell.
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