
If i shit too much then that should mean i eat too much, but how come im not fat then? 🤔 Im normally looking. Normal weight for my height and age. Unless my body shits so much that it auto balances my weight. Holy shit. My body is a Load Balancer! And my asshole is a java garbage collector! It all makes sense now

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    New rant

    Seriously what is the fucking difference between github gitlab bitbucket? Is it like the whatsapp/viber/signal shit?

    Whatsapp was the first to create a system for free chatting? Then viber came along and copied the exact same fucking bullshit like whatsapp? Then signal came along and copied the same bullshit? And all other apps too?

    Github was the first to create a system of GIT? And then gitlab came along and copied the exact same bullshit? Then bitbucket copied the same horseshit too?
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    @jestdotty what do i do
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