
Answer honestly: How fucked would you be if someone would send the people you ranted about a link to each rant? (sorry for weird sentence structure, I'm tired)

  • 15
    Let's just say I'd start to find a new job in a new country :D
  • 6
    I usually rant most about xcode or Gradle, but for others it will be like being the center of a gangbang 😅
  • 8
    Pretty fucked...
    Although I do express my hate towards the tech team everyday... So they wouldn't be shocked... They will eventually get over it and carry on resetting printers and installing avg
  • 2
    I don't blame people much in my rants. Except one fine but I could say face to face that he was being a jerk.

    Otherwise I guess they would feel honored xD
  • 3
    I personally believe that online presence matters and know that mine could be trivially traced to personal accounts, so I try and keep things friendly and professional. I find it helps me mentally too because I don't have arguments and treat people equally.
  • 2
    Pretty fucked, but it is the whole truth. I did not make up things...
    I hope they understand. 🤔
  • 0
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