
Agile/Scrum is the worst project management style in software development.

Rather than focusing on delivering a feature or changes on the project, everyday there is always a meeting that you need to attend to, other than the daily huddle. And those meetings are none of your concern or why they needed you there

And my Product Owner and Scrum Master does not know even though how software development cycle works. When you discuss technical details or constraint to them, they either look confused or don’t know what to say and just say “If you need anything, always communicate or approach me” even you already told them the issue.

Or maybe we are doing it wrong. But it is been 5 years when they implement this Agile/Scrum and we are still bad at it.

Just ranting

  • 5
    the problem with scrum is the following:

    EVERYBODY is doing it wrong.

    the less you know about it, the better.

    the more you let the _devs_ adapt the system, the better.

    the more non-devs shut up about it, the better.

    otherwise, it always just ends up being a cascading waterfall with extra steps.
  • 0
    Maybe agile is not the best for the project. Or there has been mistake in implementation.
  • 0
    Would they do any better if they claimed to adopt any other project management doctrine?
  • 1
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