
People that say Windows has bloatware...same people when someone says their beloved iOS has bloatware, I love apple fanboys replies:


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    Apple once forced people to take a U2 album. There is no removing this fact from history.
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    Bumdroids ☕️
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    Some of these comments are just hilarious.
    Always impresses me, how you can't even question the very reality of things, because you shill for some company so bad.
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    When I say that I like Windows, I mean that I like Windows 7.
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    @ojt-rant YES! This shit still appears on my music list despite actively deleting each song manually from the iTunes folder.

    It keeps reappearing and sometimes even autoplaying when I plug into my car.

    So messed up.

    I bet that led to part of U2 sales, I hope that many people aren’t actually choosing to download their music.
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    @jfuginay this is the REAL price you pay for an apple product.
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    We should hop on X and see if we can make #truecost trend

    #apple #truecost #fuckU2
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    Anybody have a dollar I can borrow for my X account?
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