
I'm a web developer for some time now and I want to try something new. I don't know exactly what, but here are some possible "candidates"
- blockchain
- AI
- tree.js/Webgl

What do you think?

  • 1
    eeeert! error! not enough buzzwords specified. sample:
    "with this new blockchain technology, powered by machine-learning, deep-learning AI, the gigahertz of your graphics processor can be over clocked by the WebGL using the Chromium V8 JavaScript engine with an internal compiler…"
  • 1
    @SHA-16384 @calmyourtities Awesome man, thanks! I will be back in 2-3 weeks with a simple prototype :) Lets see where this can get!
  • 0
    Wait is it too late to be a part of this? I can consult you with your digital marketing strategies 😳
  • 0
    I think blockchain and bitcoins are a cool version of ponzis scheme that will eventually crumble down.
    AI is the way to go
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