
For a while now I've wanted to make a blog about engineering and discovering different types of engineering (software development, electrical, mechanical, etc). In the blog I'd like to write about journey discovering what kind of engineering I wanted to be, how I got here, and fun projects you can do to see what different types of engineering fields are like. Long story short I want one of those projects to be my process making the blog they're actually reading it on and I have no idea where to start with web dev. Can I get pointers (puns) to resources or frameworks that would be good for beginners?

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    Fuck developing it for now, your content sounds amazingly fun to read, get a blog asap and tag me when you do 😉

    If you're searching for something really quick to setup, host anywhere via static files (github pages etc.) and with beautiful themes ready to download: use hexo, I recently came across it again when people mentioned it here and it's actually amazing if you understand how it works.

    But seriously you could get all the other content going and then migrate it to your own platform, when you actually have developed it.
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    Why develop your own platform, is that not a waste of time?
    For general blog requirements, there are plenty options already - you can rather focus on the interesting content. Post us a link when you start!
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    @Argentus He said that he would like to document how to do it, would like to jump into webdev while doing so and have that kind of "ahhh" effect of people actually reading the blog about the blog being made, its a nice idea and is def. not "waste of time", though as I said before, he should first use a ready to go blog to get other content going, while it takes time to develop a blog.
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    Yeah, of course it can be one of his interesting walkthrough projects. It can help him and his readers learn and understand some principles, but I would not put too much effort into trying to beat other matured, community-developed CMSs.
    I agree with you that starting with an existing platform and getting some content going is a better idea for now.
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    @Argentus there is no "beating" other platforms, he isn't targeting any market, nor wants to compete with anyone, he is just doing it to learn and run it on his own, a blog is literally doable in ~15 minutes with something like laravel and thats all he wants, create a basic blog on which he can blog on and from which he could take some bits to have learned from to convert that to a blog post. Also the more ideas he gets that would be "handy to have" when managing said blog, he could implement those and learn even more, so I don't see anything bad in actually creating his own blog and making it endlessly gigantic if he wants to, though as said and you agreed a finished blog software should do for now to push other interesting content that he announced.
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