
How do you tell a senior that I don't want to be buddy-buddy with him outside of work?
He keeps trying to befriended me, inviting me to his house along with his friends. I don't think he's romantically interested in me, he's married, he's just too extroverted, has huge social circle.
Being a chronically introvert, I just want to go home and sleep after work. It's enough having him breathing down my neck for 5 days/week, don't want to see his messages during the weekend.
I have to keep the relationship cordial and polite though as my job satisfaction depends on that.

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    You can fake an illness. Boom. problem solved.
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    Just politely tell him you prefer to keep your work and personal lives separate. If he's a reasonable adult he'll respect your boundaries and understand. If he starts making your life difficult, document his behavior and take it to HR.
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    kill him and eat him
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    Anyone who know me more than 1 weeks, know that I have bad social anxiety.

    Don't know why he seems oblivious to that.
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    Faking illness every weekend? Yeah ...

    I already rejected all his invites with various creative reasons. 😅
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    @cho-uc I bet I could do it every weekend. I'd create an entire persona if I have to.

    I only gave you one option. If I wanted to get out of a social situation I could come up with tens more.
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