
Let's do photorealism they said,
It'll look beautiful they said,
Fuck it, we're going with low poly. I'm not rendering one fucking tree, for three god damn hours!
(That's presuming that it doesn't crash during that period)

And yes I know it doesn't actually look that photorealistic, but hey, give me a break I just started. Plus I don't even wanna know how long it would take to render if it was done to look really fancy.

  • 4
    I feel you 🙁
  • 1
    Can't wait for Eevee, coming 2018!
  • 5
    I see Blender, i upvote.
    Looks great, especially for a beginner. If you want to speed things up, you might want to render with your gpu. That's probably faster. (i got a i7 6900k for rendering and my gtx 1070 is slightly faster)
  • 4
    That's why people pay lots of money to send this shit out to render farms.

    Or be like deadmau5 and build your own render farm. Your choice.
  • 2
    Is this for the game you mentioned in your wk70 rant? If you have any questions/look for someone to work on a project with you, I'm here. I have 7 years of blender experience and make mostly animations.
  • 2
    @jobylie heh, forgot about that. No actually, few of my friends and I just wanna see how we do, learning while making
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    @irene I honestly always preferred well done low poly. Makes me feel warm and cozy
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    @irene imo it depends. I agree that not everything has to be photorealistic, but it can be a stunning visual tool
  • 1
    Somethin inbetween, like some comic style? Because I think low poly looks a bit cheap.
  • 2
    @JFK422 that's because it is. From a technical standpoint at least. But the challenge is to make it look pleasant regardless.
  • 1
    @JFK422 To each his own. People have been saying that for pixel art as well, but some spectacular pixel art that made my jaw drop.
    I'm not trying to defend anything here since I'm by no means an artist (I'm probably as far as one can be from an artist), but I think any "style" can be both good and bad.
  • 2
    @JFK422 With low polygon counts you can still polish the hell out of it.

    Games like Overwatch and League of Legends aren't photorealistic, but don't look cheap by using contrast-rich colors, cartoony models, and animations with a lot of personality.
  • 1
    @bittersweet Thats what i actually was thinking about! I dont like those where one can see its edges and its literally one color.
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