
What the fuck is this piece of shit called Ubuntu? I was writing an automation tool on my local PC (ArchLinux) in c++ 17 (c++1z or whatever). Finished it today. Working and compiling so everything is fine. Went to my server, git clone, make.

Okay some errors because I havent installed my networking libs yet. So I installed them.


Error because I was using a c++ feature only available in c++ 17. But wtf. I told g++ I wanted to compile with c++ 17 support. I mean... On arch it compiled fine. On centOS it at least told me that it doesn't know c++1z (it was some really old centOS). BUT JUST TELLING ME ITS BECAUSE I SUCK AT PROGRAMMING?? THAT IS SO NOT OKAY. MY CODE IS LEGIT ISO C++ 17. FUCK UBUNTU. Installing Arch on my server now because I can't handle this shit anymore...

  • 1
    The feature is called "nested namespace definitions" btw and even the visual studio compiler supports it 🤔
  • 0
    Thats is why rolling release sucks.
  • 4
    Oh, you installed Arch on your server? Have fun
  • 3
    You are installing Arch on your server? Brother you must like living dangerously! Let me know how you like it!(legit not being a dick, i am really interested)
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    @Linux What do you mean with Rolling Release sucks? It at least let's me compile with the latest c++ standard
  • 4
    Latest is not always the best and stable.
  • 1
    @Linux sadly that is true. But even when I had Ubuntu on my PC it managed to destroy itself after updating from 16.10 to 17.04. I won't be using that much tools anyways. Only apache2 server for (yes I'm serious) a static HTML site and my selfmade tool. The thing is that I don't want to rewrite it so I can compile it with c++ 14 because it would just be too much work right now. I totally agree that the latest isn't always the best/stable but I know the risk and take snapshots every day + week
  • 2
    @AleCx04 I'll tell you in about a week when my server explodes, k? ^^
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    Ad long as you a aware :)
    Also, updating to another release in Ubuntu does break stuff lol.
    Anyway, Apache is a good choice :)
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    @b3b3 I am far more concerned with your sanity than anything else man!
  • 2
    @Linux I tried nginx some months ago and didn't manage to set it up 💁
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    @AleCx04 that's why I'm listening to Breakdown Of Sanity 🙃
  • 1
    @b3b3 if you dont have much traffic, it does not matter :)
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    @Linux nope I'm the only one using the page. Sometimes I'm hosting big (really big) files (100GB+) for my classmates and luckily its limited by the ISP and not apache so I don't care 😛
  • 0
    Or you could just upgrade gcc on the server. Ubuntu's main repos don't really keep up to date all that well.
  • 1
    Haha omg that was very nice to read
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