
Why is there evil in the world?

"Because of free will 🤓🤓🤓"


🌌 Universe A (ours):

❌ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to imagine a new color

❌ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to grow wings and fly

❌ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to create a new planet

❌ today i can "use my free will", but if i use it for something God doesn't want me to, ill burn forever


✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to commit evil

✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to rape, kill, start wars

✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to lie, deceive, suffer

✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to get diseases

✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to die of starvation

✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to die of natural disasters

✅ today i can "use my free will", but I NEED TO suffer so i can build my character


What does this tell us about the creator of the existence?

By analyzing this, you can clearly see how:

The most HARMLESS things, are disabled for us to use with our "free will",

while the most HARMFUL things are allowed for us to use with our "free will"

What do YOU think:

What IF, An all-good, all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful GOD of the existence created a universe:


🌌 Universe B (imaginary):

✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to imagine a new color

✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to grow wings and fly

✅ today i can "use my free will", but it IS POSSIBLE to create a new planet

✅ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to imagine doing evil

✅ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to rape, kill, start wars

✅ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to lie, deceive, suffer

✅ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to get diseases

✅ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to die of starvation

✅ today i can "use my free will", but its IMPOSSIBLE to die of natural disasters

✅ today i can "use my free will", but i do NOT NEED TO suffer and still build my character

✅ today i can "use my free will", but if i use it for something God doesn't want me to, i do NOT burn at all


Please tell me, non biased, rational objective answer, is Universe A or Universe B better?

Tell me why, and give a very Very good reason, why couldnt Universe B exist?

If God exists, why didn't God create Universe B? Why did he CHOOSE to create universe A?

"if God exists, he is either Not-All-Powerful, or Not-All-Good"
- Neil Degrasse Tyson

Im having a midlife existential crisis.

If God is real, WHO said he HAS TO be All-Good?

If God is NOT All-Good, would you believe in such God? Would you worship such God?

What if God is NOT All-Good? This would explain why Universe A was chosen over Universe B.


  • 3
    while i completely agree with the point you're making - the _way_ you are making it is cringy AF and wouldn't be possible in a perfect universe.

    also: it IS possible to imagine new colours. you just need the right herbs. i just recommend not to operate heavy machinery while doing so.

    also: it IS possible to create a new planet. you just need strong arms, a big enough shovel and a really, really, reeeeaaally long time.
  • 1
    Religious paradox: God can't be almighty, allknowing and benevolent at the sime time. Similar to the project management paradox that you can't work cheap, quick, high quality and earn money without making sacrifice

    but universe A people act like they could create a planet B using their free willy.
  • 1
    @tosensei +1 for the herb colors
  • 2
    I see nothing illogical with the concept of free will *within* boundaries

    (oh and thank goodness people can’t grow wings and fly — can you imagine what mess that would be?)
  • 1
    Evil exists because good exists. Good breeds evil.

    @usr--2ndry Actually, that's not a religious paradox, it's merely a Christian one because they slapped all attributes on their god and then wondered why they got a mess. Polytheistic religions don't have that problem in the first place.
  • 0
    @black-kite I'd shit on a car...
  • 0
    There is neither evil nor free will - just causality.
  • 1
    Evil exists because JavaScript exists.

    There. Existential crisis solved. Now let's move on.
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce other way around.
  • 1
    @tosensei Nope, JavaScript came first. All evil before JS was just a ruse, an illusion.
  • 1
    We even had interactive web chats before JavaScript. Basically a text input plus submit button in one frame, the chat content in another with a 10s meta refresh. Totally fine.

    That is, unless you had years of IRC experience, brcause even ircII in the terminal, compiled right from tarball, was better.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce I thought it was the Apple. Which is another reason Apple Inc is so evil.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce the all-knowing AI says you're wrong.

    but it was a close call.
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