
Minor annoyance
You can't "click" on a touchscreen! Stop telling me to click buttons on my phone.

  • 2
    @Alice I'll tap that!
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    I've been on a mission to eradicate "click" from our company's Android app (I do backend, so it's a very slow battle)
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    @CraftedCart are you an Apple user? Apple has the same opinion as you :')
  • 2
    If you click your tongue while tapping, it becomes clicking.
  • 1
    @joostdelange Nope
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    @CraftedCart ++1!
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    I worked with a fellow who would fail a code review if he felt a method should be called "setUp" instead of "setup". He was not popular.

    If you want to get your knickers in a twist over stupid things like this (especially when it's in the original documentation as @hausen pointed out) you are just going to end up having a shorter lifespan, and fewer people at your funeral.
  • 1
    I personally find it more annoying when a desktop web page asks me to tap on something
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