
Things like that just don't happen on Linux...

Why can't I kill Microsoft Teams when it's frozen!? WTF Microsoft? This software is so lacking I can't even...

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    Because you are not "admin" enough to do so.
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    @C0D4 Thankfully I'm admin enough to hold power button just long enough to reset the shit out of the PC.
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    @Agred ah, that's the equivalent to
    > sudo shutdown now
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    @C0D4 yup he should used "admin killall -9 ms_team.exe" command
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    Well, you clearly have never seen how shit hits the fan, because of undocumented udev-rules or unassigned groups.
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    @shoop You can, just not by default from the terminal. And you can change that if you'd like!
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    With systemd, all kinds of stupid user-inaccessible delays are possible during startup and shutdown.
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    @bahua yet another example of the multitude of reasons that people have for arguing that systemd's architecture is harmful, especially since a unix-like init system should have easily separatable components.
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    The fact that i need to exit 2 times on my laptop or my desktop make me loose my s***t every time
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    Similar things happen on linux too.
    In normal case - SELinux.
    In pathological case - D and Z states [tho the process will simply not die w/o any errors]
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    I think you should reassess your attitude at work. It doesnt fit in with a positive work culture to be a team killer.
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    I've had a similar thing on Linux, though. SSH'd in from my phone and killed the goddamn process 😄
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    Try using SELINUX in real life and you will eat your words. Shit also happens in the *nix side of the moon
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    If I ever have to give a ted talk, this will be the title.
    “Creating a virus for Windows that takes over the administration system so you ACTUALLY have root privilege like you SHOULD”
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