
Please don't use shake animations to signify errors, dear user interface designers.

The shake animation is a bad idea introduced to the UX (user experience) world by Apple in 2013 with iOS 7 and Mac OS, and is popularly used by FilePond in response to a failed upload. At some point, this animation was added to the Cinnamon desktop environment login screen in response to a wrong password.

The shake animation is not helpful at all. If anything, it is irritating and provocative.

The red "incorrect password" or "failed upload" text clarifies it well enough. There is no need for a shake animation to rub it into the user's face.

  • 1
    I spent some time implementing it on a GUI because I thought it was a good idea πŸ˜…

    I guess it is always important to fully customize the gui to be the most accessible to anyone, maybe the shake could be “unreadable” by someone but somebody else might not be able to recognize the colors if they are hardcoded.

    Anyway yours is an interesting point. Thank you for helping me opening my eyes a little bit more
  • 7
    Everyone knows that this is how you do it
  • 4
  • 0
    Shaking screen is very "shake weighty":

  • 0
    I think it's cute. And infuriating after multiple errors πŸ˜…
  • 1
    @Demolishun I'd prefer this over a shaking animation.
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