
What do you do when people(parents) are telling you to go out and tells you you have no life..just because you spend too much time on the computer..and you are actually spending the time learning stuff techniques and technologies which would help you in the future..it just sucks..it kinda looses your morale in a way...

  • 5
    Yeah that happens, thankfully my parents see me as an absolute dissapointment and they just wish that I can at least dont fail them and be able to properly give them a burial when they die which they tell me may be soon ... happy fun times mate
  • 4
    I found some "hacker" friends and we all had that problem. We told our parent we would go to a party when we meet up. They were happy. All we did was sit in the basement of one guy who had his own place, eat pizza and stare at our screens in silence.
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    @legionfrontier yea.. same here They think that I’m a failure.. It just sucks..

    @meretan It’s kind of difficult to find people who I can be friends with specially when you finished ur studies in a different country...means no connections...
  • 3
    @rui725 maybe you can find a local "hacking night" or something like that. That's where I found my buddies.
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    @meretan ...thanks... they wanted me to hangout with people who are into sports.. and activities... basically anything that would separate me with computers and more physical stuff like gym buddies... I really hate sports and activities btw..
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    @rui725 do you have to tell them what you are doing with your friends? Bending the truth does not hurt anyone in that case. And they will not see you as a failure when you land a job in IT and make fat stacks of cash. I still remember the face of my dad after I told him that I'm earning more in my fist month than he does after 30 years on the job...
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    @meretan That’s the thing I’m still unemployed after graduating for a year.. kinda really am a failure...
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    @rui725 have you considered doing some internships at tech companies. They usually murder each other over new staff. At least here in Germany.😅
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    @rui725 What is your speciality or what you wish to work or iunno, also are you in debt currently?
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    @meretan internships here are offered if your trying to obtain ur degree.. not to people who already have degrees besides they want people who actually graduated here rather than someone who is graduated from a foreign country so it’s kind of hard.. I tried applying to every possible job still it takes time to get in..and hard to break into...
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    @legionfrontier im not in debt... I’m actually an all rounder but I prefer desktop application dev like Java/C#
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    @rui725 it should not be hard to find a job with that skillset... maybe try to code a small game in unity to show of your c# skills?
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    @meretan Not a unity guy just a normal Console... desktop app nothing complicated as games haha but good ideas there... I’ve actually done tutorials from self studies that I’ve been doing in github.. kinda happy about it.. but not proud because most of my projects are coded like crap haha...
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    Everyone has their own perception of life, in my opinion non-technical people don't understand broadness of computers, it's just a thing for then that does things. What they actually do or think majority of people will do, eg sports, hangout with friends and stuff, they think it's what life is all about. They do this because they don't understand what we do and how it feels doing it.
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    @Aitkotw exactly... even if you explained to them what you are trying to accomplish they think that what we do is not necessary...
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    Tell me, too.... I 'd LOVE an answer. Just now I had to take a blood sample for D vitamin analysis just because my mother's worried that I might lack it. (She's a doctor...)
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    Everytime someone says to me that I should go more outside, I in turn ask them what I'm supposed to do outside. After that they always give up, since everyone who knows me knows very well that I hate any kind of physical activity, I won't talk to people unless it's absolutely necessary and there isn't really much else you could do where I currently live.
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    Been their when I was 23. With the step back of the years, it doesn't sound as bad. It's actually quite common to have conflict with parent around that age I would say. Add to that cultural difference about computers and you get yourself a recipes for explosives arguments.
    But my father was IT so, it was just with my mom mostly.
    As of today I still don't have a job, but my parents understand me now, as I work on my indi game.
    If only I could have friends that don't want to stab me in the process that would be great 😥
    Sorry for the over sharing.
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    @rui725 cup programming (c#) in unity is not so complicated. I made a small game for a test in a week without knowing c# very well, and it worked. 🤔Wasn't big by all means.
    It's just using an api like you would use a UI api for a desktop app. As for the rest of game dev, that's another story. 😅
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