  • 2
    You could've added tags.
  • 5
    Wow, that's absolutely one of the last things I would do on terminal
  • 1
    Dude... i wanna know where you see yourself in 5 years.

    Totally unrelated but... mind catching up with me in 5 years?
  • 2
    I dare someone to prompt "recursively remove all files from the root"
  • 2
    @awesomeest wow, you're using devrant for dating too
  • 1
    @fullstackcircus it'll always miss the --preserve-root parameter. Every damn time in any freaking meme
  • 0
    Far out. It's been great for doing things like adding strings to all zips in a directory or etc.. just really small stuff.

    It's really cool....
  • 1
    @retoor nah... social experimenting and data collection... also helps with stats. I like stats, especially ones i can posit towards or bet on. Im a data nerd
  • 0
    @lopu im curious... approx how old are you and how long have u been coding?
  • 0
    @awesomeest I'm 27, been into computers since I was 10, was into graphics and design and game hacking before that. Made my first bootstrap Website at 17, then studied computer science at 19 for 1.5 years, then worked on a couple unsuccessful tech businesses and worked freelance too, then went back and finished my degree, mastering in advanced computer science, another 1.5 years.

    This is my YouTube channel
    https://youtube.com/@LopuDesigns 🙏🌈❤️🦄🥳
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    Part 2

    And now I'm on my 4th job and 3 years into professional development. I work as a senior full stack developer specialising in react and node.js.. like most web devs 😂 my memory isn't too good though I had an AVM removed a year ago which was in my frontal lobe affecting my short term memory and etc.. I was born with it but only found it 2 years ago..

    Anyway, if I use this tool just for quickly renaming a couple files cause I cannot remember bash for the life of me, who the F cares 😂

    I'm trying to launch a tech product called Thingtime.


    Also I use cash so when I want to use this AI thing I just type zsh, hop into zsh and ask for the command 😂 it's convenient.
  • 0
    @lopu "into computers" is extremely vague... i means seriously, my dog is into computers, he's jealous of them.

    Not that i think less of you for the degrees... but in my decades of exp, ive never see any massive benefit for comp sci, or adjacent, degrees.

    Bootstrap didn't really exist when i started, but ive never solely been a " web dev '.
  • 0
    @awesomeest fuckin hell mate who shat in your coffee.

    Yes the degree basically helps 0% with my actual job and I'm about 99% self taught but in Australia it looks very good on your CV and it's nice to have the option and knowledge of the more scientific side of computers.
  • 1
    @lopu dude... this is me normal to friendly... any tone/implicit context youre reading into things i say is u not me. Im too autistic and literal for that crap... not that im not amazing at doing it when warranted (like debates etc) just no reason here... unless maybe if u were ostream and i wanted a show. But alas, youre not.

    Its true that degrees look good on a CV... its mainly just on a personal basis... X = however much time, effort, money it takes for the degree... vs what remarkable things you could learn and accomplish with X.

    For me, the latter won... like a tomb-sealing boulder vs a baseball size snowball. Yet it still took me nearly 2 years of uni to realise wtf was i doing wasting my time there listening to crap im leagues beyond from teachers that barely knew the intro courses.
    my CV already vastly outweighed the double major i was going for, to the point itd even seem suspect. I just always assumed hs then college.
  • 0
    @awesomeest I literally got into an accounting degree, took a gap year, took LSD, and realised I wanted to work in computers, I didn't write a single script till I was 19.. So, I was always into computers but had never tried programming or thought I could even do programming.

    I'm good with a mouse and keyboard/gui though 🙏

    And now that I know programming and etc I'm fuckin 🏃‍♀️🪽
  • 1
    @lopu well if you ever want a crash course/boot camp in back end and the immense abilities of shell scripting... let me know ive been scripting (at first just batch and DOS) for ~24 years... i literally have an architecture of scripts, part of which would be akin to the modern IDE bs. Think of if the conceptual design of CSS and physics of falling dominos had a scripting style baby.
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