
I could use a few more non-technical people telling me how I can do my job better.

  • 2
    Best we can do is more technical people telling you how you can make your job better :)
  • 1
    How about technical people who don't have a clue about what you do giving random suggestions?

    Example: Stop fighting learning git.
  • 4
    My wife and son are both nurses, they could fill a book with non-medical folks giving medical "advice".

    Ex. Wife's brother stopped by last night with swollen finger. He had got a thorn or something stuck underneath the fingernail and it was swollen & infected. The pain, pressure and swelling was so bad, he thought it was a good idea to poke it with a needle instead of asking *his sister* for help.

    A: "L, you're so stupid. I can't tell you how unsafe and unsanitary that was."

    L: "I sterilized the needle using a lighter. It was red hot before I poked my finger."

    A: "I don't care, you're a moron. You don't poke needles in an infection."

    L: "You're a moron! You don't know that fire will sterilize a needle."

    Me: "She is a nurse and kinda knows about this stuff. I think its about making the infection worse, not what is or isn't sterile."

    A: "Thank you! Even my stupid husband knows better. Hold still while I clean this up."
  • 2
    Gotta love juniors/nontechs with power dictating how everything should get architected and built, and then shifting the blame for the inevitable failures onto everyone who had the misfortune of being required to take their advice.
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