
Been put on debug duty, shit fucking SUCKS ASS.

Demotivating as hell seeing other people implementing cool features while you're doing this stupid shit trying to reproduce bugs that appear in production. Fucking hell.

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    I know how you feel. I also spent time on bugs while others made new features (bugs). There's no end. We rotated the role of maintaining every spring to make it right
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    debug duty? yum, me like debug. me debug all day if me could
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    no devtools, devtools evil, devtools like devil tools, get mind noisy, many buttons, bad for productivity
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    And you'll spend weeks reading trace/log files, scouring thousands and thousands of lines of code..find the bug, fix it, then ...

    Boss: "Oh, that's nice. Did you see the new widget Johnson built!? Ohhhh baby, the VP will be so proud of me for leading innovation!"

    You: "I spent weeks on this and the bug was costing us..."

    Boss: "Yea..yea...ok...whatever...you're work is valuable to someone, but Johnson and that widget! Wow!"
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    @nururururu > "amazing"

    My continuous complaint about our recognition process is it only recognizes/rewards the shiny new projects devs work on, never the day-to-day maintenance that can be a lot more work.

    For example, we were subject to a cyber attack and our network admins were miracle workers, blocking this, blocking that ...all night long. The bad guys never got in.

    I'm sure the VP and the others were grateful+thankful, but there was never a company wide email and at our quarterly meeting, no one on their team was congratulated for *saving the company*. It seemed brushed off as simply doing their jobs. Yes, it is their job, but they fricken' stopped Lex Luthor from launching the nuclear missile.
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    I for one love debugging
  • 3
    At my company - bug fixing has been the most rewarding work lately.

    New features have got stuck waiting for other teams. And new stakeholders have started second-guessing decisions

    But a bugfix is something everyone is on board with, and will be celebrated unconditionally 🎊
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    Time for some advantix, pro.
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    Personally, I also love debugging. No stakeholders, no changing requirements. Just unraveling the mystery, and coming up with a fix.

    I especially like when after searching for a day, I fix a bug by changing just one character (like a > into a <).
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    @jiraTicket @WillemD

    That's an interesting perspective. Never thought bug fixing could be seen as enjoyable, but I do see you guys' point.
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