
I hate it when people think programming is for geeks with black hoodies in a dark room... #codingforeveryone

  • 16
    - geek: yup
    - black hoodie: sometimes
    - dark room: sometimes
    - hate people: yes

    Okay! I'm a programmer!
  • 6
    So yea... If I'm a programmer living in a dark room wearing mostly hoodie, would you hate me? 🙄

    And welcome 😊
  • 5
    Dark room: hell yes...
    I hate too much light in room 😂😂
    Hoodie: sometimes when it’s cold 😅😅
    Geek: yes please ❤️
    Hate people: for the most part, yes... I do love my friends, and devRant people 😁😁
  • 2
    https://github.com/filthycoding/... And you must have this open on Windows, only then you're a real hacker 😉
  • 3
    Hello Irene, we are sad to inform you you did not meet the programmer qualifications this year.

    You will have to sign up for the next one which is due next year.

    Best regards,
    Some bored moron
  • 2
    Nice swimming pool tiles!
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