
F--- you Ruby, Gems and all this frustrating to install crap. Come on, it is 2018 and this is still one of the biggest issues on all projects depending on Ruby for some damn reason.

  • 1
    @Alice Muchas gracias female nazi witch with a bird, my first +
  • 0
    Why does he look like distracted boyfriend?
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    @theuser I think he looks more like a mac user that tries out windows for the first time.
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    Why are gems difficult to install?
    I'll concede when they require building from source, but besides that it's simple.
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    I agree with @Root. The gems system should be quite simple, what was the problem?
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    Even on Windows it wasn't that difficult to install those things. Installing visual studio is a pain, tho.
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    Maybe it's the same guy?
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    @theuser it is the same guy. They make stock photos for a living, so you'll see them occasionally.
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    Once it's all setup it's extemely easy to use, and Ruby has some seriously cool tricks when you get into it. But it's single threaded, and the garbage collector is well, garbage. If you want something else mb Elixir.
  • 1
    Python isn't much better.
    Node is better in installing and packaging but I hate javascript
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