
Hi everyone, long time no see! I have a question for you all.

Where does your company keep its clients’ code on GitHub? Is it everything in the company’s GitHub Org or does each client have a dedicated GitHub Org?

Any issues you guys have encountered with either approach?

  • 7
    is "a self-hosted gitlab, so we're not dependent on our Great Cloud Overlords" a valid answer?
  • 1
    We use GitHub enterprise
  • 0
    depends on a client
  • 1
    @tosensei Self-hosted version control makes so much more sense, and was the norm at every company I worked at until recently. I was at one shop that self-hosted Gitlab, which use to be a pain to upgrade (I've heard it's gotten better), but it's typically the most basic and easiest thing to host; and yet startups pay $$$ per user for garbage like Github Enterprise (and often let people tie personal accounts to company organizations).

    I really don't get it. If your company can't even host version control, what business do you have architecting anything?
  • 0
    @djsumdog upgrading gitlab is easy. just tell your IT-manager that it needs to be upgraded and repeat every few days until it is done.

    joke aside, it's actually as simple as pulling a backup and fetching the latest docker image.
  • 1
    Gitea is also an option.
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