
Internship Rant #2

I can't believe I'm hating my job right now. It sucks because I have never coded in javascript and they expect me to code in javascript. I don't even know what I am doing, but I'm trying my best. I kinda have something already, but the worst part of it is that my boss comes in once in a while and sits beside me looking at my screen and of course, he expects me to tell him what I have been doing and what progress I have done. It's stressful cause I specifically told him that I have never coded in JavaScript and he still thinks I can get things done in a few days.

Perks of new job:
- I can take a bath there whenever I want
- gr8 bathroom 11/10
- gr8 heater, no need to have my hands shaking all the time
- workspace is nice and everyone has an extension so my phone and laptop are always on full charge
- flexible work schedule
- easy access to company files hehehe including credentials

Anyways, so I have to deal with this for three months.

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    I only can imagine what you're going through, but be assured that everyone struggles with unrealistic estimations.

    So just an advice: call for help/guiding/training!

    I don't know your bosses and colleagues, but this can have multiple reasons. Maybe they don't recognize your struggle because you made a good impression at the start. Or maybe they want to give you all the freedom. Maybe they self just to busy. Or it is a test of how you handle this situations.
    Call for help and give them the opportunity to act. And if they don't do anything then you know that they suck ;)
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    I was the same at my internship, I'd never done JavaScript either. But you soon pick it up within a couple of weeks, at least for me. Just do some practice outside of work. Hardest part to understand for me was not the language itself but all the annoying tools around JavaScript.
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    I'm also doing my internship but in C#. Didn't knew a thing about C# and ASP and was assigned to a project that was halfway completed. Had to try a little harder to get a grip. 😃
    Hope you get through it with ease 😉
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    Google until you CAPTCHA
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    @Wozza365 true, im all confused with the tools and packages and stuff I need to install unlike C/C++ so im kinda lost right now
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    @KnutKnutsen i tried to ask them for help but holy shit i hate them so much because the others are ignoring me and i sent mails and they didnt reply. goodluck to me until i finish this!
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    Well that is why you have us! I understand your frustration, but I am quite sure you will be able to pick it up as you go :)
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    ES6 support or naw?
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    Just google whatever you want. There should be millions of similar questions at stackoverflow.
    A few tips,
    1.Use the console to debug, if you aren't already. You can open up the console from the browser. I think Firefox required devtools or something for this? Sometimes it was available without an extra download. Chrome has devtools available, just right click and inspect element and you should see a tab called console. Use console.writeLine() to write into the console. You can also access your global variables in the console. Just type it in the console, and you can see a list of its argument values and functions.
    2. I think w3 has a lot of material on JavaScript from arrays to everything. It should cover a lot of stuff.
    3. JS has something 'like' classes but not really. Once you think you need classes, look at http:///www.phpied.com/.... You don't really need this most of the time, but I think it's really helpful.
    I hope this helps you out. I am a novice too
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    @localghost127 Dev tools are built in to every major browser. F12 is also the standard shortcut to open it. And console.log() not console.writeLine()
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    @nickj sad thing :( but for the sake of your work life balance etc.: don't accept that behavior too long. No money is it worth to fight alone. But I know that's easier said than done ;(
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    @localghost127 yeah i have like 7374647392 tabs open because of all the questions and googling ive done lmao
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    @nickj oof. With ES6 it’s like well sometimes you gotta drink the kool-aid to get by. Without it it’s like, NO you EAT the kool-aid, right out of the goddamn pack. You can wash it down with your tears!
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    @Wozza365 Yeah, sorry about that. I knew the console method was wrong! I always get it confused with the hackerrank where they use console.writeLine() I believe. Thanks for the correction!
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