Fucking Windows.

Everytime I update the system it acts like it got infected by yet another virus.

Everyone uses this shitty insult of an OS because one day Gates said "hurr durr look how fucking generous I am, y'all get my OS for free". And we got fooled big time.

Any E-mail I try to look up in Outlook that's older than a month doesn't exist, Excel converts anything I type into ISO-timestamps, and the most infuriating thing of all is that whenever something runs in an error, it just gives me a big

FUCK Something went wrong YOU
FUCK Ask your administrator if you have any questions YOU
FUCK Who do you think is sitting infront of the screen you big pile piece of shit software YOU

AFAIK Gates founded Microsoft as the hero mounting against the giants of its time, IBM to be concise. Looks like Microsoft lived long enough to become the villain themselves.

  • 3
    they were always the villain

    Bill Gates isn't a programmer, he's a snake
  • 2
    Bill Gates never gave Windows away for free, he just coerced the manufacturers into using it over superior alternatives like BeOS, OS/2 etc.
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    i had this funny story recently with win11. So i just updated to a newer update version. Booted into new version.

    Suddenly displays random colored lines on display.
    System crashes, no blue screen no nothing. Just reboots

    Now the Bluetooth doesn't work anymore. In fact, it doesn't exist anymore.

    I was like, okay, im gonna use the dongle for the wireless mouse ive got.

    A few days later, bluetooth start randomly working again, this time without crashing the system. Mind you i rebooted the system a few times in-between but had no windows updates.

    I gave up to complain about this shit. It's just work hardware anyways.

    Another time windows destroyed itself because it though before shutting down on a completely drained battery it would be a great idea to do windows updates.
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    @thebiochemic your fbi agent was probably pushing some intern at Microsoft to push a hotfix to production or else they would leak his porn collection
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    @dontbeevil jobs is a snake too. He just told his minions what to do and got all the praise
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