
Half fact: Code reviews help to maintain clean codebases.
Full fact: Code reviews are a way to find out who secretly wants you fired.

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    IMO code reviews are a great learning opportunity. Please tear my code apart and point out all of my flaws so I can learn something. Be ruthless on my code reviews
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    Yes but.. How about comments like this? Formatting seems slightly off in line 11. Also, rename variable isDeleted to isNuked. Isnuked sounds better to me. :D
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    @Marill i think these little things like formatting, good naming convention are important in trying to maintain the consistency in the large codebase
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    @rahulnexus Second that. it's all good in small doses :-D as long as it is constructive criticism. There was a meme that I saw here." Submit a review for 10 lines you'll get 10 comments. Submit 500 lines and you'll get a 'everything looks good'"
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