
Steam App Developers, are you serious?

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    not really responsive.
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    What do you expect? It's the steam mobile app. The single most broken app on Google play.
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    yeah.. this app is catastrophic my eyes are bleeding
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    The steam mobile app is a weird beast, it's half native and half just a wrapper for the website.
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    And to think, Valve used to be amazing 🙁
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    @Root Yeah, they have really gone downhill lately but then again most of their games were never actually theirs so perhaps we are the ones misunderstanding.
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    Half Life, Portal2, TF2: Absolutely good games!
    Steam: Nice. (Or was; it's iffy now)
    Steam market: Cards, emojis, in-game items, etc. created a market where there was none. Users can buy/sell virtual items for cash, and Valve takes a percentage. It's kind of genius.

    Buy now, like everything they produce is shoddy. It sucks ☹
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    @Root All great games but personally went off TF2 since it went freemium. In all honesty it feels like they have lost the magic they once had and have become lazy, greedy and continue to be respected and loved by all.
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    @nblackburn Valve said its most important job is hiring. And when every employee has the ability to make decisions that affect the entire company, such as when to release content, that's very true.

    It seems that they hired someone -- or a few someones -- that they shouldn't have. And these people likely hired more individuals who didn't belong, and the entire company suffered as a result.
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    @Root So they slacked and let a few bad eggs in through the cracks. They need a reform.
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    @nblackburn however, all of the Portal writers left, and many of the Half Life writers as well...
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    @Root Hardly surprising considering they are not really needed.
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    @nblackburn I'm sure they had other skills as well, and worked on other projects. But the point is that without writers, those games will never see sequels. 😢
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    @Root I mean they are not working on anything so it's a waste them being there.
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    @nblackburn see the first sentence in my previous comment 😋
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    @Root Seems pointless keeping someone to do something they were not employed to do just because they can sort of do it.
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    @nblackburn Valve does not have any real management telling people what to do. People work on what they want to do (which for some dumb reason was artifact lol wtf)
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    @Dacexi I know it doesn't but at the same time, i wouldn't stick around if i wasn't being utilised.
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    @nblackburn yeah true i guess
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