
What are the first thoughts, getting messages from someone who has bio like this in linkedin?

  • 5
    First thought: "two-handed wanker".
  • 0
    Guy is a persistent sob, haven't replied to him. Keep getting messages...
  • 3
    They are facetious (the most etymological literal definition) and/or immature. The emojis alone make that clear.

    Anyone with emojis in their linkedin bio should start with a trust modifier of -60% or more than the typical rando.
  • 2
    I got a connection req this week from a "Benjamin Benjamin" who lists his current position as super generic, yet for some reason, specifically US marketing. His banner shows a company that he has no other direct profile-based connection to. I responded with my typical, pedantic, copy/paste suggesting that he market himself before claiming to be an expert in marketing with a profile indicative of poor marketing ability/wisdom.

    I modded the screenshot to include his current listed position.
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    they look like everyone else on LinkedIn

    I can't view them as real people

    I think I view them as NPCs

    I also don't know what any of any of those people's titles ever mean. like even if they have a meaning I'm 100% sure that's not actually accurate descriptions of themselves. unless someone uses a title appropriately to some context I just assume they're confused about the words they're using... especially with those odd words LinkedIn people use

    maybe I'm too cynical though

    if I ask people what those things are I make them sweat though so, I can only conclude they don't know what the words mean...
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    Soulless HR non human plastic drone who lives off buzzwords and dead infants. They probably have titles like People OPs bc they want to sound nerdy and different, have a name like a respected profession (devops) bc tech is cool even though they don’t know shit about software engineering and never wrote a basic hello world printout. On Twitter they have tags like #AI #BigData #Teamwork #Agile #Scrum so they sound smart and cutting edge when they’re just airheaded barbie dolls who on slack call everyone “fam” “we are (company x ) fam” I’ve seen fam thrown around on slack a shit ton lol I don’t act like an asshile, it’s actually one of the least annoying things about prof life

    I can’t STAND plastic HR MBA business types, it makes me fucking SICK, especially since they’re so drone like. On behalf of Star Wars day (yeah was yesterday) I can imagine them in a big Kamino room marching in formation

    evil old chancellor voice: “magnificent, are they”
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    Got the clone March stuck in my head lol. Star Wars music has permanent residency in my brain
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    @jestdotty u sure it beats the asteroid field song from empire strikes back? lol. Fucking love that one
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    @jestdotty I don't even want to lead them on. So I don't even respond. Most likely the guy will want to hop on a call to "coach" me, and then it'd make me feel impolite to decline.

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    @awesomeest from the looks it seems like he watched some scammer youtubers be rich off of skims like this and probably following their footsteps.
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    @jassole are you aware that it's much more impolite and directly troublesome to people when you dont respond? Plus it supports that type of ignorant bs when no one directly calls them on that bs.

    I see it kinda like the ridiculously high number of, mainly, females in the 'dating' pool. I likely have a unique perspective as im significantly younger than the vast majority of my friends and typically the only female in groups of guys (best, platonic, friends dubbed me a "hot dude with a vagina").

    Most of the time, when a chick has a really annoying habitual issue, esp hygiene or an unrealistic concept of skill, they will be avoided in the future, unless someone's really desperate. Very rarely will anyone tell them they need to learn hygiene or lack skill/do something very wrong. While i understand how this happens, it just makes the issues more rampant. Ofc most will initially ignore/curse you, but if the sentiment is recurring theyll get the picture. Imo it's societal responsibility.
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    @awesomeest that's just life in general. You can do what you said with younger people. But older people probably not. This guy is much older from the looks, probably into his 50s.

    They had plenty of time for "growing" up and not to be a dick in general.

    If it hasn't worked all this while, I'd be wasting my energy. At best either politely turn it down or not to respond.
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    The young can be molded, the old ones are far too gone.
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    @jassole politely turn down is still leagues better than no response. Also, how do you know if it's been attempted before? Pretty nihilistic way to think/act. Reminds me of the people who bitch about politics but dont vote because 'my 1 vote can't change anything'.
  • 1
    Professional bullshitter
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus i disagree... professional means they get paid to do *whatever*. I doubt it.

    ... but then again, the fact that indian 'devs' still use whois info to email and cold call people, hoping to scrounge up work means that some dumbasses pay for crap like that.
  • 2
    I just assume anyone contacting me is trying a scam. So every encounter, until proven otherwise, is an adversarial experience. Probably why I dislike other drivers, doh.
  • 0
    @Demolishun i wish you knew german; there's a new song or 2 that youd really enjoy.
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