It’s strategy week. And I have flown to A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FUCKING COUNTRY.

In their wisdom, it has been decided that I, master of all knowledge (not!) will outline a roadmap for potential tech to come and where our pain-points are. They don’t have the slightest. CORP only now talks about AI and NOTHING sane is even closely is being addressed.

Fucking retards.

It is all for show.

It’s just a game for them.

Fucking holistic people.

Fuck leadership in IT with no actual knowledge of the pain of database upgrades. Fuck em!

It’s all pretending and using big words. I been in meetings where people actually use the words AI, autonomous and digital twin. In the same fucking sentence. Fucking imbecils! Do they even know how fucking impossible that is in a company like this where we struggle every-single-day with a tech debt that is actually incomprehensible. Yesterday I found code from 1978 in use, with no knowledgeable maintainers. Which is very cool but will be difficult, to say the least, to migrate. At the core of one of the deepest core processes at a specific site (we kind of make things). 1978. Thousands of lines of code.

We are NOT in a position at all to say things like this. Autonomous. We are NOT ready. We are NOT staffed and we will not be since we have NO money to hire the necessary workforce of 100 people it would take to actually do something useful. Even if we could hire them the time it would take to actually hold on to them would be too short. Since people are LEAVING THIS COMPANY SINCE IT/TECH IS NOT CONSIDERED TO BE IMPORTANT to the company.

Fuckers. I can take out half the factory in one minute.

Autonomous? AI? It is such a shitshow. And really, really depressing.

I wonder if they know. What would happen. If key persons was to decide to leave.

The care that has been put in place for this factory (HUGE FACTORY!!! HUGE!!!!!!!) system support is just really… well, crazy actually.

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    ... why the first thing that I'm thinking from this rant is scheming for an all hands meeting with the heads where I would present just one slide, cut in half by a line, on the left I would title it "what we have/are" and from the center of the middle line I would make a circular layered graph(for both sides), from the first layer on the left I would put the tech maintainers and all the other layers whatever the structure of the legacy infrastructure/services is behind them, on the right I would title it "what we don't have/are", from the first layer I would put the heads and only in the most far layer I would put all their trash words. The meeting would be about realignment (for the heads) to the current state of things, and at the end I would end with: "given the current state, half of the production can be stopped within a minute, do you best, I'm resigning" 🧨
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