Some love stories are immortal.

  • 11
  • 3
    Haha nice!
  • 6
    Sorry, i had to say.

    Now kiss
  • 6
    I recently made this same switch. My company is super tired in to Google so there's no hope of leaving completely, but one step at a time.
  • 3
    Someone please tell companies like codeanywhere about this. GIVE ME COPY & PASTE IN YOUR SSH TERMINAL
    Yes, I tried chrome, and yes, it works. How about you support Firefox? Also esc in your android app equals the back button. You don't use vi(m), do you?
  • 5
    The conversation is between Firefox and pymohammeda guy. Why is the other Mohammed (themohammeda) guy mentioned in the reply?
  • 1
    Switched when Chrome was discovered to be why my PC kept crashing. Burn it
  • 1
    True love ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    I’ve been using Firefox as my porn browser for some time now. If I wanted to switch back I’d have a *lot* of cleaning to do! 😂
  • 0
    @gymmerDeveloper His earlier Twitter user name.

    Until March 2017, Twitter user names were included in replies.
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