Just found out that Microsoft Edge sends unbelievable many requests to the Server if you keep Holding Ctrl + R (Reload site)
Don't tr it at home haha
Now i got temporarily blocked on StackExchange (for About 8 h):

  • 1
    @-BSD Hehe i thought About that too. But it was at 3:30 and i needed to get Sleep so i decided to let StackOverflow do its Thing
  • 3
    May I ask why are you using Edge though? Just honest curiosity.
  • 2
    @lucaspar I understand why you are asking. To be honest I am using Edge and chrome both.
    I use edge if I need to quickly Google something or if I just want to use a browser that is not taking all of my resources(yes edge is taking much less resources then chrome). If I want to watch YouTube videos or do bigger things like social media and all that stuff I mostly use chrome.
  • 1
    @HTMLspecialist gotcha, indeed chrome hangs the machine once it starts using the swap/virtual memory if you don't have an SSD.
  • 0
    Wo sieht man diese aktivitäten?
  • 1
    @nobes WIN + TAB
  • 1
    @DefiniteGoose Hehe :D
  • 0
    @ThreadRipper you lil pro hacker😎😎
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