
Xiomi mi notebook pro or MacBook Pro? Which should I buy. I am a little indecisive

  • 6
    If you need the Apple OS and ecosystem, go for a MacBook. If you're going to install Linux or Windows, go for something else.
  • 5
    Performance per dollar? Mi notebook
    You absolutely need osx? MacBook.

    I've heard the Xiaomi makes for a great hackintosh.
  • 2
    Why those two? Lenovo/Dell laptops are really great. I own a 2015 Macbook Pro (15'), Lenovo T450s, and the newest Carbon X1. Since this gen, Carbon contains pretty amazing quad core i7 CPUs; it's a really good machine. Of course, I'm quite happy with my MBP as well.

    I wouldn't go for a Xiaomi laptop unless you're from China. In such a case, the laptops are probably a lot cheaper, then it'd make a lot of sense.
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    @Jilano beat me to it
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    @piehole the Mi is pretty cheap too.
    I payed 920€ for mine a few weeks and I compared the prices beforehand to others like Dell XPS series and some think pads.

    The Mi notrbook was definitely the cheapest for the same performance (quad-core i7 with 16GB RAM and 265GB m.2 ssd)

    Shipping from China/Hong Kong isn't too bad. It just takes some time to arrive.

    For the support:
    Some say reaching Xiaomi if something ist broken is nearly impossible.
    That may be true.

    But I had some bad experiences with Dell /lenovos support too so well there's that.

    Overall it's a great laptop for its price and it is nearly impossible to find anything similar in performance for this cheap.
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    @fuckwit Sure, but here in EU, if you buy from within EU, you have a 2-year warranty and a number of protections that are there for you, as a customer. While it jacks up the prices of laptops, that's precisely why I wouldn't buy it form Hong Kong. Laptops break very easily, and I don't have so much money to buy "cheap" (i.e. 1k USD) beefy laptops from HK, where if it breaks, I have to ship it across the world (and be at mercy of Xiaomi wrt replacement/repairs).
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