
Is this here your bloody fucking diary?!

Then maybe back the fuck off to Insta and Fagbook commercials Stockholm syndrome circle jerk. Right where your mind is at ease.

  • 12
    I want to know what sort of drugs you are on.
  • 7
    It's called devRant, so yes, it's supposed to be where we post our - mainly - stories and rants.
  • 14
    Dear diary,

    Today @scor was mean to me. I don't know what I did, but his message made me feel bad.
    Thankfully, three other members went to save the day. I truly feel good here.

    Thank you,
  • 7
    Dear diary,

    I saw a message from someone else in you. Are you seeing this "@rutee07"? Should I be worried?

    Keep in touch,
  • 8
    Dear diary,
    Today I found out you have been cheating on me.
    I think our time is over and...

    Dear new diary,
    You’re so clean and pretty.
  • 6
    Dear diary,

    It's been a few days since the "accident". The smell coming from you is getting horrendous. I don't know who this mysterious other person is, but I will catch him/her/it. I installed few cameras around you that will react on any movements.

    I shall free you from this "thing" and make you mine again.

    Love, always,
  • 8
    Dear diary,
    Its been a few days, and I’m starting to miss my old diary, those smells and sticky pages, I never did work out what that was, no! I must be strong, you and I have a future ahead of us.
  • 5
    Dear diary,

    I don't... I don't think I have it in me to fight anymore. Did I deserve you in the first place? Maybe you should be shared with the world? I saw another unknown face last night, he seemed like an odd guy.

    I will think about what to do, and will come back with the answer.

    Goodbye for now, dear diary,

    *The page is stained with what appears to be tears.*
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