
I am actually programming in C# and i learned programming with this language, but my problem is that visual c# have mandy dependencies and i need a language which run on a windows 7 as on a windows 10 machine but with no dependencies to any DotNet-Framework oder any special DLL's is there a language for this?

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    Yes but actually my Programms need a specific version of dotnet and i am searching for a language witch has no dependencies to dotnet
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    Not sure what the issue is here, assuming you target framework 4.0, it can easily run on a system that has 4.x (x >= 0) installed (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/...)

    And .net framework comes pre-installed, user has nothing to do to get it working
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    isnt QT something like that?
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    @Gablern Delphi. Native compiler that builds to a single (yes, only one) executable. The same .exe will work on Windows 7 and 10 just fine.
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    dot net core 2.0
    works everywhere + on linux and os
    If you want to have apps that work only on windows use winforms because wpf is new crap that nobody likes and this is why winforms that should be obsolete are still in use today.
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    but wpf is only supported win8++
    you can like it but it dosent change that it isnt compatible in that case

    btw. i think positioning in winform in easier!
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    @irene Yes, I know *a lot* of people who believe that.

    At least here, I can confidently say 1 decent Delphi developer can do the same work as 6 WPF developers.

    Ex. It took an entire team (6+) to write+test+figure out a deployment plan for a data grid feature that allowed users to configure+save the grid's various properties (columns, sort order, filter settings, etc). Took them several months to 'get it right'.

    I did it by myself, using Delphi 3 at the time, in about a day, over 15 years ago, and the same code is still working today (Delphi 10 was the last version we upgraded).

    I shake my head when the devs complain and complain about WPF when Delphi solved that problem 20 years ago (too much to get into here).

    I get it, its fine, Delphi is not the new shiny toy and many have moved on.
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    @irene Our guys can write circles around me in WPF. I'm not very academic when it comes to UI code. I almost equivalate UI to 'throw away' code, but they love, love, love the deep hierarchical patterns just to show a button. A site to behold to see the UI code that maintains a product's taxonomy (color, size, weight, etc). Even the WPF team might say "You did what!? We did not think such a thing was possible, but here it is,the pink unicorn"

    Ex. Upper mgmt wanted every 'keyword' found in an app (labels, grid column, taxonomy detail) to map (a link) to specific business operation documentation within SharePoint.

    A product's 'Size 12' attribute, the 'Size' caption would automatically match the case (because the db would/could be 'size') and link to the work instructions for managing a product's size. A Delphi dev might say "That's impossible. Why would anyone do that on purpose?"

    Not our team, those wizards pulled it off (and its not slow or cause any side-effectual behavior)
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    What version of .net tho?
    I dont think 4.7.1 is supported in xp...
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    @Gregozor2121 wpf is there since framework 3.5, I wrote a wpf software running on xp and targeting framework 4.0
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    @gitpush @irene
    Last time i worked with 3.5 i had avery bad time... "experimental 3.5 framework on unity when it was using 2.0 ...)

    So apparently rs232 ports hadnt worked propely... becauae of a bug in the framework... that was fixed in 4.0 oh the joy i had when unity upgraded to 4.0 😥
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    Thanks for all the ideas i need it for a Program witch makes a snmp request on all our customers clients
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