
Hello guys, Did you know how to build a PHP development enviroment for a low spec laptop?
Well, low spec laptop I mean:
CPU: AMD E2 quad Core 1,5
I switched from w10 because it was so laggy, Im currently using Xubuntu
I tested virtual machines bit also it was so laggy too
PD: have a good day :)

  • 1
    @jespersh Still are xD

    But I wouldn't go VM with this. Just install a LAMP stack on Xubuntu?
  • 3
    setup LAMP will not hurt that spec. But if you do not want your distro bloated you can try setup docker
  • 3
    @Rozark welcome to Linux.

    Probably Docker is better for you in this case then.
  • 0
    @pentatonicfunk@xewl I can try it but also I wanted to install something like a "portable" version that not needs to setup all the env
  • 2
    @Rozark https://phpdocker.io/generator

    Maybe that could set you up to begin with..
    If you're fine with PHP on your system though; I've been using its serve functionality and sqlite databases for most of my dev.
  • 1
    @xewl Wow this is amaizing I'm going to test it
    Thank you :)
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