

Thanks to my school I was introduced to this shit and by George is it some of the most unintuitive crap I've ever used.

The drag and drop shit should be fine, but oh if ever you doubleclick on something it will add a [name]_click method, and if you think you can just remove it fuck you!

Then there's the fact that splitting stuff up is unintuitive as hell as well. That is, you can't. You can define areas you can show and hide, and then you can drag stuff into them. That should be fine but everything is still in the same page (and if you have stuff overlapping then you better not move it with your mouse because then it will belong to another of those things). Contrast that with the more ~~~complicated~~~ and ~~~not what we learn~~~ WPF which has frames where the content can be define in different files.

Oh but if thatt wasn't enough, the autogenerated code is horrible as hell.

I died a little inside when I learned someone decided to take it to the web as well D:


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