
Fuck the traffic jam I'm dealing with every damn day since two fucking months. It takes 1,5 fucking hours to geht the fuck home from work. I'm done with public transportation. I'm gonna take my shitty bike out even if the fucking temperatures are lower than the standards of the fucking people who misplanned this goddamn street reconstruction.

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    Dont forget to keep your knees warm during winter if you do bike. Been there done that :P
  • 0
    Thanks for the advice @ananaszjoe. What's the best practice to keep those knees warm and comfy?
  • 1
    @jever I'd wear knee sleeves under my pants and do a few squats indoors before taking off. I was also taking some collagen rich supplements during winter that help the joints stay healthy. I did all those because my knees got inflamed because I was negligent. Prevention might take a smaller effort
  • 0
    Went by bike the whole week and damn the indipendance feels good.
    This morning I just had to remove some frozen water from my seet.
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