
Well, goodbye my free time, it was a pleasure to meet you sometimes. We'll probably never see each other from now on.
Our government just voted on a law that extends overtime legally like crazy.

  • 1
    Government. Which you voted.
  • 4
    @Biggy government which the majority of us didn't vote on, they won with massive media manipulation, illiberal methods, and cheating.
  • 3
    sounds like hungary..but with the "pay overtime 3 years later" thing..its legal to do so...okay...but with that behaviour as an employer you will go down:

    "Slave labour, you get what you pay for"


    "Pay peanuts, get monkeys"
  • 0
    What if you just refuse to work overtime?
  • 0
    @electrineer best way to get fired :D
  • 1
    @Sh4dow luckily overtime work is optional where I live
  • 1
    Yeah I heard about it. Ridiculous. Good luck, man.
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