
How long is your operation system running?

Linux - since the first kernel release I've ever touched.
Windows - depends on the update cycle, mostly 2 weeks up to 6 month.

And there goes another night with reconfiguring my windows session 🤬.

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    Do you mean uptime?

    Debian: Usually a day for my desktop (I don't use it much), 4-6 weeks for my work lapppy.
    Macbook: I don't use it anymore, but 4-6 weeks was common there as well.

    Or do you mean how long until you replace the OS?
    Never replaced OSX; I replaced Win7 of six+ years with Debian like four years ago and haven't looked back.
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    Desktop at home (Ubuntu): Rarely more than a day.
    Laptop at work (Ubuntu): No more than eight hours.
    Servers (all Debian): Years.
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    My laptop usually has an active uptime of a week or so, i mostly just put it to sleep.
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    Server:2 months usual
    notebook: multiple hours to one week
  • 4
    So just for reference, can you provide the address of your linux system? For science...

    Security patches are important people. Uptime shouldn't be the goal, application integrity should be.
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    @arcsector fe80::2483:bff:fea9:fc4d
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