Which one will you choose: Windows or Linux?

  • 8
    Fuck it, I'll just eat the rainbow chips and go back to chicken farming
  • 3
    Both 😅
  • 5
    Actually, I prefer CMake (cake make) tool.
    So, none of them.
  • 9
    Linux. I'll ask my wife to bake a cake with strawberry jam layers and some custom-made vanila icing w/ some lemon scent and maybe build a script to automate this build for me.

    While you all enjoy what everybody else is having, probably with some spit, shit and hiv-positive blood mixed in [you don't know what else since you don't have the source], I'll be delighted to have what I trully like.
  • 2
    I'd choose Linux, eat the whipped cream and rainbow chips as is and head out. I bet they'll taste MUCH better than that cake 😂
  • 5
    Hey, 2000 called, it wants its joke back.

    Get real, it's 2019, no average Joe end user builds software by themselves. That's the job of the distribution maintainer.
  • 4
    This photo is misleading, as it doesn't show the other table with all the Linux cake options.
    With the Linux cake you could decide you really didn't need a cake and make brownies or cookies or wherever your imagination leads you instead.
    The Windows cake is just gonna taste like ever other Windows cake.
  • 2
    I can't cook so I have to choose the cake
  • 2
    Linux FTW!!!!
  • 6
    That windows cake sounds nice, till you cut into that clean cut exterior and find the interior is full of toothpaste, moldy raisins, and despair
  • 1
    I prefer make it by my self, knowing exactly what is in there rather going for the pre-made-what-the-heck-is-goin-on solution.

    This is true for the cake and the os
  • 1
    How to spot a Linux user?
  • 1
    But is the Linux cake open source?
  • 1
    @TotNotTac in this case it’s commercially supported open source
  • 0
    With Linux, we can create a cake that looks like Windows to mislead Windows users
  • 0
    @netikras Sounds like a delicious cake
  • 0
    @TotNotTac @Plasticnova Only ingredients are open source until someone bakes the cake and decides to let everyone taste it
  • 0
    @Plasticnova This crushed all thoughts of eating the mouth-watering Windows cake

    can make anyone move to Linux
  • 0
    That's a really good example. I see so many developers telling non tech ppl to use linux and how windows is for stupid people only.
    Not everyone needs Linux!
    Some people need computers only to use office, excel and watch movies.
  • 0
    Can I get my elementaryOS or Ubuntu and get going?
  • 0
    Well, the Windows cake looks appealing, but I may find a virus incrusted in it. While I don't have all that risk making that Linux cake.
  • 0
    Linux always
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