
Teamviewer is a piece of shit. I use it to connect to my PRIVATELY OWNED server because it's not located on my lan and I have no other way like VPN. Today teamviewer showed me a suspected commercial use and disconnects all connections after 1 minute and blocks connecting to it for 10. I also use it to connect to my synology nas when I'm not home. The teamviewer support is only for paying customers so you can't even contact them. Why the fuck do I have to pay to get something resolved they screwed up? I know I can be glad that teamviewer is offering a free service but when they offer something for free they should at least get their stuff working.

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    Don’t leave it open 24/7. Never had a problem with almost the same usage.

    On client side
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    @NoToJavaScript on client-side its only open when needed but thanks for the tip
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    Teamviewer is great but fucking expensive and you loose your license with every update. I have tried Supremo for almost the same use case and it's a little more forgiving and lot cheaper. There's a free as in beer alternative named Ultraviewer it's Vietnamese or something and it's like a TV 4 rip-off. It's free and usually just works
  • 5
    @Subtixx fuck teamviewer. I hope they lose so much money over this. I now use Anydesk, which works great. And its free.
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    VNC? Anydesk? RDP (god forbid?)
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    TV have a form specifically for that purpose: https://www.teamviewer.com/reset

    I've been flagged as a commercial user multiple times, because I had to use the (registered) TV version supplied from my company when working from home. This caused the TV copy I use strictly privately on a different PC (but on the same internet connection in this case) to report commercial useage.

    Thankfully, they reset everything to private use within a few days in each case (I think it happened three times now).

    TV is pretty cool in my book, and it's kinda understandable that they want to gather some $$$ from the commercial users at least. Surprising enough that it's actually free for private use in the first place.

    That said, there SHOULD be competition, but everything else I tried was FAR worse in some way or the other...
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    Tunnel X through ssh?
  • 2
    @Parzi What's wrong with RDP ?

    One of few tools which allows you to play directx games ;p (Ok framerate is sometimes shity). And the setup for it is insane.
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    @mksana thanks but it's still annoying as fuck not able to do anything on my server for the next 2 days.

    @Root the server is not available outside of the lan network. That makes it difficult to get access to it.

    @Parzi anydesk is now my temp solution for that.
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    @Subtixx VPN or ssh tunnel.
  • 0
    Agreed!!! TeamViewer is a piece of shit and I would never pay them a dime for their lousy service.
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