WTF is wrong with Manjaro, every package I install gets "error while loading shared libraries". VSCode, chromium, even yaourt?! I mean this just doesn't even fucking work.

I downgraded my kernel and now I get the same errors and when I -Syu, I get a thousand "Warning: x is newer than y"


  • 1
    Even on reboot ? As far as I know on upgrade some lib may get updated and may cause some issues. Reboot usually helps. Thought it happened to me only once
  • 3
    I think you need to refresh your mirror list
  • 3
    Don't blame Linux. Sounds like there's a bug with Manjaro packages. Check their bug tracker? You can run `ldd` on an executable to see what dynamic libraries it's missing. Also ask in their official chat room if they have one.

    Linux requires the community to keep everything working. Filing issues on bugs is contributing!
  • 0
    I mean, Manjaro is Arch, right?

    The motto of Arch is to sort it out yourself xD

    This is why I don't use Arch :3
  • 2
    Okay, why the fuck do you STILL use yaourt? This shit broke your system. There's a reason you shouldn't use it anymore.
  • 1
    Also do pacman -Syuu thanks
  • 0
    @Haxk20 here's what happened:

    -Downloaded Manjaro, installed on fresh hard drive.
    -pacman -Syu
    -pacman -S code

    A brand new system. No partial updates
  • 0
    @kescherRant there's dependency conflict. That won't solve it
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm Is it "xorgproto" or some shit?
  • 1
    @dontbeevil In all fairness, if you'd require a stable system, you'd probably NOT go for an arch based system unless you're willing to spend time on fixing and figuring out stuff.

    That's the reason why I use something Debian/Ubuntu bases, stable and hasn't broken for me, yet :)

    Ever noticed this difference yourself?
  • 2
    @Haxk20 There absolutely NO valid reason why an OS should be hard to install in 2020. If it's hard to install, this just means that it's crap.
  • 2
    @kescherRant it is quite a lot of libraries. At least 6, but those are only the ones I have tried

    @Haxk20 I've installed base arch I'm not a fan of spending that much time with my laptop. It's not even my main dev machine
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop hard is subjective. Arch isn't hard to install, it takes a long time, and for a valid reason: you get to choose what you get at a highly granular level. Lots of control freaks find that attractive
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm Question: What's the filename of the ISO?
  • 1
    @kescherRant uh I can tell you in a few hours when I get home
  • 1
    @Haxk20 I've already installed Linux in the 90s, with modelines that could destroy the monitor and stuff. THAT was hard because Linux was totally immature. Not to mention that you had to jumper the interrupts manually on the mainboard and then match that during install because Plug and Play wasn't invented yet.

    These days, I expect shit to just work. If it doesn't, the maintainers have done a bad job.

    @AlgoRythm The right way to do that would be to provide the options, but also have reasonable defaults so that you just can skip all of that.

    Making a big install guide instead of streamlining the install process has it completely backwards. And yeah, that's why I think Arch is crap and targeted at people who don't have anything useful to do, neither with their time nor with their PC.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop can't say I disagree, which is why I went for Manjaro, which I find has reasonable defaults and stability.

    Except now, of course, where it doesn't work at all.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm Oh, I think I just found out what happened to you. You might've run into a crappily synced repo mirror.
  • 1
    @kescherRant maybe. I've downloaded the isos for lxde and kde plasma using my company WiFi and I'm gonna reinstall when I get home and move to lxde if kde doesn't work AGAIN.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm Oooh, KDE. Yeah fuck that. Maybe KDE is just an evil demon summoning havoc upon any distro I try it on. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, pure Arch, heck even CentOS.
  • 1
    @kescherRant KDE wouldn't fuck the package manager like this, and I've used the KDE version for a long time on my main machine and it is very very good.
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    @AlgoRythm I'll conclude that different things break for different people, entirely unrelated to distros/OS and the way they're using them lmao
  • 1
    @kescherRant doesn't really apply to a fresh install!
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm usually, but you know, KDE on distros out of the box has actually never worked quirk-free for me.
  • 0
    I guess you should upgrade your kernel and should install the shared libraries which were showing error while updating.
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