He still doesn't get it.

  • 4
    Well the new edge kinda good, but I prefer Opera gx.
  • 2
    @Ranchu Opera, the browser that managed to do better with Chromium than Chrome!
  • 2
    tbh I use Edge a lot when I work on web dev stuff. I especially find Chrome annoying because it is always caching everything I do, so my CSS almost never changes.
  • 3
    @ThisGuy I've wasted a few hours over that.

    Another few over my own retardation.
  • 2
    @ThisGuy omfg, true. I always use Edge with cringing face, but knowing that either Firefox and Chrome cache the shit even when you specifically tell in dev console to reload it every time, and it's terribly unpleasant to experience lags in Edge. 🤒
    But actually, I think it's mostly the fault of developers that made system without proper cache considerations integrated, so I have to find a lot by myself, which is impossible in legacy PLM that corporations still use (cringing face again).
  • 4
    @ThisGuy @Stuxnet

    Dev tools -> network tab -> disable cache 🤷‍♂️

    Thank me later
  • 0
    @C0D4 You are right, in most cases it's enough. But something may tell you also to watch over server cache. Yes, it happens, and yes, I experience the pain in ass because of it when working with Enovia.
  • 3
    @ThisGuy ctrl+shift+r -- clear cache and reload
  • 2
    @LavaTheif @COD4 I have tried that before and I still have caching issues, so either I'm stupid or Chrome just really hates me.
  • 2
    @ThisGuy if that doesn't help.

    Chrome://settings "cache" and destroy today's data. But that's a last resort kind of deal.
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