This is WHY everyone hates Electron: the reason electronjs apps sucks and electron is cancer

  • 7
    Well i might start using electron if I can get 64GB of ram for that price.
  • 0
    Electron is so shit and painful to do. But VSCode is built from it.
  • 2
    Electron is why we have cross platforms apps that works on every bullshit OS.

    So shut the fuck up and thank Electron for bringing slack/Spotify/vscode/... to Linux ❤️
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    @MagicSowap If they had some competent programmers they could also use Rust and make some good crossplatform apps instead of desktop websites
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    @12bitfloat I love Rust, but last time I checked, the gui crates sucked.
    Maybe they're now more usable, but even then, they are way too young :/

    + competent rust programmers are still rare & costly compared to JS interns
  • 0
    @12bitfloat imma be checking out Rust, thanks!
  • 1
    @pLeThOrAx I highly recommend you do! It's fantastic
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    @MagicSowap @12bitfloat Qt, GTK, WXwidgets and now even winforms with dotnet core.
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    + Java, Python (with pygame, tkinter or pyqt) OpenGL, Vulkan
  • 2
    What ya gonna do if you need a desktop app but can only afford 3-month-bootcamp grads :)
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    Try nativescript mate!
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    @MagicSowap Spotify should not be in that list. And is by far the more important/best application of the three.
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    Haha so many butthurt cuz electronjs is most popular framework for creating crossplatform apps. Qt is fucking dead cuz of licensing and nobody uses GTK even though its actually decent.
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    came across this post. ugh the memory usage! Teams killing most of my apps.
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    For me it’s not the Ram, it’s the 300 mb storage.

    Xcode is taking a lot of space and with all these chromes browsers inside, Hugh
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