
Windows is when your computer just exits it's life via fucken BSOD.

But then there's linux. Half-freezing up, making you switch to tty2 just to see via htop, the machine is essentially idle. Nice. Fuck you.

  • 4
    Is the Mac cheese grater meme still relevant?
  • 0
    @lkjhgf253 I believe its the latest one at least
  • 0
    @FrodoSwaggins which distro?
  • 0
    @lkjhgf253 mac 'n cheese is always relevant
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    @nitwhiz the BSOD is not always Windows fault. Perhaps you have a serious hardware issue.
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    @hjk101 my dude, I'm coming from Windows all the way back to 95 and ME, i know that.(;
    This rant is more joking than serious.

    @FrodoSwaggins I'm using manjaro at the moment and am very happy with it. Used Ubuntu before, it froze often and now manjaro froze for the very first time. As this is my first bad experience with it i was pretty pissed off when seeing no ram and/or cpu usage whatsoever.
  • 0
    macOS has never had a Kernel panic 😌😌😌
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