fuck linux

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    @linuxxx what do you think?
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    Where the fuck are ya living and what weapons to bring?
  • 13
    @just8littleBit A troll most probably. But, of course I don't agree. If you'd remove Linux completely right now..... goodbye most services and projects...
  • 5
    you mean gnu/linux or what prefer calling it gnu plus linux
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    yeah it's just a joke, just look at my username
  • 9
    @F1973 Oh no, of course not. But, a user called linus-torvald (without the s at the end) saying fuck linux without arguments.. that smells like a troll to me.
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    Linux is my daily driver since 5 years now
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    Indeed. It could be better, but people refuse to get off of their arses to make it better.
    Fuck Linux. If only it was not the best in the market, I wouldn't be using it.

  • 6
    get him!
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    @yung-stallman username checks out.

    Don't be thus guy
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    @Stuxnet i am not this guy xD
    did you draw that yourself?
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    I don’t completely agree but I can relate and I support you.
  • 5
    Yes. Also - fuck windows, macos, mac osx, bsd, and unix.

    Did I miss anything? then fuck em too.
  • 2
    Plot twist: op is from Canada and he needs your salt to extract it from comments and apply to roads
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    @magicMirror that's a whole lot'a fucking! Are you prepared for the workload? How hard can you pierce through iron?
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    @NoMad guys you have the same tshirts stop bitching and get back to work
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    @uyouthe hahahaha why do you always get stuck in these situations of being between me and my doppelgangers? 😂😂
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    @yung-stallman except you literally just did be that guy lol
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    @NoMad I just realized that it was you who I messed up with the other guy with a gorgeous abs. Or maybe it was you who had the abs. The guy from that photo please come here I want to suck your dick
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    @Stuxnet yeah i know
    it was a joke😅
    i thought this is a pretty common meme tbh
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    @uyouthe he deleted his account 🤣🤣🤣 you scared him off 🤣🤣🤣
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    @NoMad the last couple of weeks were really weird for me.
    So fuck it all!
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    @yung-stallman kinda but some of these retards say that shit and are serious about it.
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    @Stuxnet for real?
    i never knew people mean/meant it seriously except richie of course
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    Lmaoooo, my Nvidia laptop couldn’t handle linux, it froze any time I left it idle for 10 seconds. For two years I’ve never really gotten it to work even with the correct drivers. 🤦🏾‍♂️
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    I did, now there are a bunch of child daemons running around and I cannot sudo them to death.
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    @yung-stallman yes there's a handful of them. Not a whole lot, thank God, but they exist sadly.
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    I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're referring as Linux is in fact GNU/Linux, because Linux is just the kernel
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    @Lalle where were you these many years,
    i've been living under a rock.
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    @linus-torvald i was at house eating doritos when phon ring "linux is kernel" "no"
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